Nowadays the psychological and psychometric tools during a coaching collaboration are widely used.
These tools are of assistance for a coach since, with these tools and their results, they may support their coachees in a more effective way and possible in a shorter period of time to build the necessary self-awareness, that is the starting point for setting their goals. These tools may assist a coachee to better understand certain behaviours, preferences even abilities related both their work and their life. There is a wide range of such tools, each one related usually to a different sector, for example leadership skills, values, interests, strengths of the character, etc.
More precisely, the psychometric tools may be a good starting point for the discussion between the coach and the coachee, with the results playing the role of the means for discussions that under other circumstances would not be easy to take place. These tools, may support a person identify the sectors they could enhance, since the results are thought provoking. Moreover, they are a more objective way for someone to identify their true capabilities and personality from the subjective image that they have build for themselves. Thus, they give the opportunity to a person to understand and therefore take up roles and responsibilities, which are closer to their strengths and excel in those. The traits of one’s personality and the abilities do not change easily. In the case of teams, the psychometric tools make clear both the distinction on the different roles of the people of the team and on the way the team members may use their strong points to achieve their common goals and fulfil their team vision.
In any case, the psychometric tools may be of assistance for a person to learn more about themselves. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that there is no right and wrong psychometric tool. Each human is unique and knows themselves better. All the aforementioned tools are helpful, however they should not be taken into consideration without the proper self-reflection of the coachee throughout the coaching process.
Passmore J. (2012), “Psychometrics in Coaching: Using Psychological and Psychometric Tools for Development” 2nd edition, Association for Coaching
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